§ 73-1-14. Interfering with waterworks or with apportioning official -- Penalty and liability.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Any person, who in any way unlawfully interferes with, injures, destroys or removes any dam, head gate, weir, casing, valve, cap or other appliance for the diversion, apportionment, measurement or regulation of water, or who interferes with any person authorized to apportion water while in the discharge of his duties, is guilty of a crime punishable under Section 73-2-27.
    (2) Any person who commits an act defined as a crime under this section is also liable in a civil action for damages or other relief to any person injured by that act.
    (a) A civil action under this section may be brought independent of a criminal action.
    (b) Proof of the elements of a civil action under this section need only be made by a preponderance of the evidence.
Amended by Chapter 215, 2005 General Session